
Garland Car Accident Attorneys

Garland has long been considered one of the best places to live in Texas. However, accidents are just as likely as in Dallas. If this has happened to you– you might be entitled to compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

Pursuing a case on your own can be difficult. There are legal pitfalls that could derail your case if you are not careful. Thankfully, a personal injury attorney in Garland can help you build the strongest case possible. If you have been injured by another party’s negligence, contact us at Angel Reyes & Associates– serving the Garland community today for a free case review.

How car accident lawyers in Garland could help

There are many ways your legal counsel can assist you with your personal injury case. Their efforts typically begin with a thorough investigation of your accident. Who else was involved in the crash? Who caused it? Were there any witnesses? Your attorney investigates to find the evidence that answers these questions. Next, they develop a theory of negligence. Using this, they work to resolve your case through a settlement. Settlements are common when it comes to personal injury cases, but a fair offer is never guaranteed.

If your attorney cannot secure a fair settlement offer on your behalf, they file a lawsuit and take your case to trial. Aggressively pursuing litigation could earn you a judgment at trial, or it could push the other side to offer a fair amount to avoid going to court.

Compensation for your injuries

Financial compensation is the ultimate goal of any Garland car accident lawsuit. If your case is successful, you will recover damages related to your medical bills, physical pain, and more. It is only fair that the person responsible for your accident faces liability for your expenses. Some of the damages common in these cases include:

  • Medical costs. The chances are good that the cost of your medical care is a significant concern. Emergency medical care is expensive, even in cases where your injuries are relatively minor. Your lawyer will help you obtain compensation for the cost of hospitalization, surgery, or prescription medication. In addition, they may be costs associated with your future medical care—such as physical therapy or home modifications.
  • Property damage. If your accident was serious, your vehicle likely came out of it worse for wear. You could be entitled to recover compensation based on the cost to replace or repair your damaged vehicle.
  • Lost wages. A serious injury could prevent you from returning to work for days, weeks, or even longer. However, with the help of your legal counsel, you could recover financial compensation that replaces some or all of your lost wages.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need an experienced car accident lawyer specialist to protect your rights against insurance companies dedicated to minimizing your claim and compensation!

Click here to watch video testimonials of what our clients thought about their Reyes Browne experience.

Every single day without fail, someone somewhere is going to become the victim of an accident. Someone – anyone – is going to be injured by a distracted driver, an overworked trucker, drunk drivers or people driving under the influence, and others.

Someone is going to suffer a fractured skull, spinal cord damage, amputations, burns, or even death. When it happens, big insurance companies and defense attorneys will get to work immediately, building a case that minimizes their guilty client’s responsibility.

The law affords protection to motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians who are injured by negligent drivers. Any person who suffers personal injuries or property damage is eligible to bring a civil claim against an at-fault driver in Texas, even if they are partially responsible for the accident. 

Texas has adopted comparative negligence laws that allow a plaintiff to recover damages in these cases. Drivers who violate traffic rules and vehicle codes can be found at fault. Examples include: making an illegal U-turn, running a traffic light, illegal passing, excessive speed, and texting while driving, among others. 

Needless to say, swift and thorough investigations are necessary to preserve evidence, identify liable parties, and build a persuasive claim for compensation. At Reyes Browne, we send our investigators to the scene of the car accident right away. We know that conditions can change quickly – skid marks may fade, road hazards are cleaned up, and other crucial markers can be lost. Our legal staff will track down witnesses to the accident and enlist the knowledge of accident experts to prove what really happened. 

Talk to a Garland car accident attorney for a free consultation

Working with an accomplished accident lawyer in Garland can increase the odds of a favorable outcome. Angel Reyes & Associates operates on a contingency-fee-basis, so we don’t get paid unless you do. Your case deserves the highest-rated law firm in North Texas. Call any time, day, or night, to schedule a free-of-charge case review. 

For more than 30 years, the law firm of Angel Reyes & Associates has distinguished itself as one of the preeminent personal injury law firms in Texas. Contact us today to get started on your road to recovery.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need an experienced car accident lawyer specialist to protect your rights against insurance companies dedicated to minimizing your claim and compensation!

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