

Dallas Amputation Attorneys

Even with incredible advancements in biomedical artificial limb technology, accident victims who suffer the loss of a limb or traumatic limb amputation will experience permanent limitations and challenges as a result.

For more than 30 years, the Dallas amputation lawyers at the Angel Reyes – Reyes Browne Law Firm have helped injured Collin County residents to recover the largest available damages awards. These awards are from parties whose negligence has caused serious injuries, including the loss of limbs and traumatic amputations. We understand the physical pain and the emotional and financial suffering that accompanies an amputation injury. We fight tirelessly to get our clients the compensation they need to offset the resulting challenges and limitations.

Frequently Asked Questions about loss of limbs and amputation lawsuits

How can an accident and injury attorney help in limb loss lawsuits?

If you lost a limb in a car accident, you might assume that your injuries are so apparent that the negligent party would quickly settle rather than risk a trial and a substantial jury verdict. Yet, the negligent party’s liability is generally not the issue—because the injured party will still need to demonstrate the dollar value of their injuries. A skilled and experienced lawyer will prove that value with arguments that highlight the following:

  • medical bills for treatment by physicians and hospitals
  • expenses for rehabilitation and occupational therapy
  • costs for fitting and purchasing prosthetic limbs
  • renovations to living quarters to accommodate limitations caused by limb loss
  • loss of salary and wages during rehabilitation and salary and wage reductions if the accident victim can no longer perform specific tasks due to amputation injuries
  • pain and suffering, both as a result of the accident and from subsequent surgeries and therapies
  • adverse effects on the accident victim’s lifestyle and relationships with family and friends
  • psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress

A negligent party’s insurer might offer reimbursement for a portion of these damages. However, recovering the full amount of compensation that an accident victim deserves will require the skills of an experienced amputation injury lawyer.

What types of accidents might cause limb loss or traumatic amputation?

Personal injury attorneys in Dallas/Fort Worth have represented injured parties in lawsuits that reflect an almost limitless number of accident patterns. In addition to traumatic limb loss in car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, our lawyers have represented victims in industrial, commercial, and job-related accidents, agricultural and farm machinery malfunctions, electrocutions, matters relating to medical mistakes, and mishaps involving off-road vehicles.   

Are limb loss and amputation damages covered by worker’s compensation and social security disability benefits?

A victim of a traumatic amputation accident might receive some benefits through worker’s compensation insurance and social security. These depend on how and where the accident occurred and several other factors. However, those benefits typically fall far short of reimbursing an accident victim for all of their losses and expenses. These include less tangible issues such as pain and suffering and psychological trauma. For example, workers’ compensation will generally only replace two-thirds of an injured party’s wages following the loss of a limb.

An injured party can recover a significantly larger damages award from all available sources of recovery with the representation of an amputation injury lawyer who can provide a level playing field in negotiations with the negligent parties’ insurance companies. 

Do insurance companies pay a standard amount for loss of a limb or traumatic amputation?

Liability insurers often attempt to limit settlements with references to standardized charts that claim to represent fair reimbursements for losing a limb. A lawyer who has extensive experience in limb loss lawsuits will demonstrate how those charts do not reflect the unique circumstances that an accident victim might face. The attorney might focus on the victim’s age, general health before the accident, family obligations, and multiple other factors to persuade insurance companies to settle for substantially larger amounts or to convince juries to award greater damages.

Call the Dallas Amputation Attorneys at Angel Reyes & Associates

The loss of a limb and traumatic amputation will cause significant disruptions in the life of an accident victim and their family. Our lawyers at Angel Reyes & Associates in Dallas help accident victims get onto the best path for recovery. We help them to collect the damages they deserve from the parties whose negligence caused their injuries.

Please see our website or contact one of our lawyers directly for a free consultation about how we can help you recover the largest available damages award.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need an experienced car accident lawyer specialist to protect your rights against insurance companies dedicated to minimizing your claim and compensation!

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