Like any complex mechanical system, a construction crane is safe only when maintained and used properly by trained workers. Unfortunately for construction workers in Texas and elsewhere, crane maintenance is frequently not up to code, and employees do not receive adequate training. As a result, workers and other individuals near construction sites are frequently at risk for catastrophic and potentially deadly crane accidents.

Any person who suffers injuries at a Texas construction site should tend to them immediately. That injured party should then contact a Dallas construction accident lawyer at Angel Reyes & Associates for an assessment of their right to recover damages from the parties who failed to ensure that the crane would be used safely.

What are some common causes of crane accidents seen by crane accident attorneys in Dallas?

Crane accidents can be the result of any one or more causes:

  • As noted above, poor or delayed maintenance and failures to perform regular inspections that would uncover safety issues
  • A crane collapse from an improper crane setup, for example, when a crane is installed on soft or unstable ground or too close to high-tension electrical wires
  • Failure to secure the crane or to operate it during high winds or other severe weather
  • Exceeding the operating limits of the crane with loads that are too heavy
  • Inadequate operator training and instruction, or allowing a fatigued operator to continue to use a crane
  • Failure to secure or restrict areas around a crane and allowing pedestrians or other non-construction personnel to get close to the construction site.

If you have suffered injuries in a Dallas crane accident that you believe was caused by someone else’s negligence, consult with a Dallas injury attorney as soon as is possible after the accident. They can verify that you have a valid personal injury or workers’ compensation claim.

What parties are responsible for my losses and injuries after a crane accident?

Dallas construction sites typically involve complex interactions with contractors, sub-contractors, material and equipment suppliers, project managers, and property owners. A construction accident attorney will investigate the responsibilities of all of these parties. This will allow the legal team to determine which of them bore responsibility for the safety of the crane and its operations. The company that owns and supplies the crane, for example, will generally be responsible for its maintenance and any necessary repairs. At the same time, the contractor or sub-contractor will bear greater responsibility for safe operations.

In all cases, the facts and circumstances of the accident will establish which party is responsible for an injured party’s damages. A crane accident lawyer will have a better opportunity to collect the necessary evidence immediately after an accident happens, rather than weeks or months after.

What happens if an injured party dies as a result of crane accident injuries?

In Texas, the parents, spouse, children, or other close family members of a deceased victim will have the right to sue the negligent parties for wrongful death. Even if this lawsuit is filed, the estate of the deceased accident victim may still have a right to sue for personal injuries incurred before their death. The victim’s estate and their family might then recover damages to compensate for:

  • All hospital and other medical bills
  • Funeral expenses
  • Family relationships that are lost as a result of the victim’s death
  • The victim’s pain and suffering between the time of their injuries and death

The families of accident victims who do not retain lawyers might be tempted to accept token settlements from an insurance company. A Dallas crane accident attorney can make sure that the family recovers a significantly larger amount to compensate for the full measure of their damages and losses.

Call the Dallas Crane Accident Lawyers at Reyes Browne After Your Construction Accident

For more than 30 years, the Dallas crane accident attorneys at Angel Reyes & Associates have fought to recover the largest available damages awards for injured construction workers and other individuals– harmed in a Dallas crane accident. Please see our website or call us directly for a no-fee consultation about recovering the full measure of damages that you deserve.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need an experienced car accident lawyer specialist to protect your rights against insurance companies dedicated to minimizing your claim and compensation!

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