Is it Legal to Split Lanes in Texas?

Angel Reyes Headshot

Written and Reviewed by Angel Reyes

Published on February 2025

Managing Partner at Angel Reyes & Associates
Over 30 Years of Experience in Personal Injury
Graduated From the University of Michigan Law School: Juris Doctor

Lane splitting by motorcycles is a common occurrence. How often have you sat in traffic congestion and watched a motorcycle effortlessly weave between cars in the same lane, wishing you were in the rider’s position? They can keep moving even when everyone else is at a standstill. However, have you ever wondered, “Is lane splitting legal in Texas?”

Currently, lane splitting—riding a motorcycle between cars moving in the same direction in a single lane—is not legal in Texas. Although some riders may be caught lane splitting, there have been discussions about legalizing lane splitting in the state. The Texas Senate Transportation Committee has debated whether making lane splitting safe by setting clear regulations could reduce traffic congestion and improve road efficiency.

While some argue that it can prevent rear-end collisions and ease traffic flow, others, including police officers, warn about the potential dangers and enforcement challenges. If you’re involved in a lane splitting accident, understanding the current laws and their implications is crucial. This article will walk you through the key legal considerations and the safety aspects surrounding this controversial practice.

What is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting is when motorcycle riders ride on the white line between two lanes. Motorcycle riders do this in slow-moving traffic that has not come to a complete stop. It allows the motorcycle rider to avoid any delays and get ahead of other motorists. The practice also allows motorcycle riders to avoid being rear-ended by a vehicle that does not stop in time when traffic is slow-moving.

What is the Difference Between Lane Splitting and Lane Filtering?

Lane filtering is similar to lane splitting but occurs when traffic is at a standstill. This occurs when motorcycle riders move between cars in a traffic jam or cars that are stationary (for example, stopped at a red light). Motorcycle riders see lane filtering as being one of the largest benefits of riding a motorcycle, as they don’t get stuck when other vehicles do — but what are the legalities surrounding lane filtering in Texas and other states?

Texas Lane Splitting Law 2022

There is no specific law about Texas motorcycle lane splitting. However, a draft bill submitted in 2019 spoke about lane splitting and motorcycles specifically. The bill was never passed and nothing has been done since then, so it’s still considered something of a legal gray area.

Texas transportation code introduced in 2015 makes it clear that all vehicles must drive within a single lane. So if you’re wondering if you can lane split in Texas in 2022, the answer is no. While there may be proposed changes in the works, the existing transportation code still stands until another is officially introduced regarding the matter.

Is Lane Splitting Illegal in Texas? 

Yes, lane splitting is illegal in Texas. Despite how common it is to see motorcycles riding between cars in the same lane or filtering through marked lanes in slow-moving traffic, it remains prohibited. Many advocates have pushed for legalizing lane splitting in Texas, arguing that it can improve road safety by reducing congestion and preventing rear-end collisions.

However, as of now, splitting legal in Texas has not been approved by the Texas Legislature, making it illegal for motorcycles to share a lane occupied by other vehicles. While surrounding traffic may sometimes seem accommodating, it’s important to follow the law to avoid fines and legal consequences.

California remains the only state where lane splitting legal status allows riders to maneuver legally through slow-moving or stopped traffic. Until changes occur in Texas, riders must avoid this practice to stay compliant with state traffic laws.

Lane Splitting Implications

Texas motorcycle lane splitting can cause legal problems. As lane splitting is illegal in Texas, it could impact any claims you make after an accident or even result in traffic fines if pulled over. Let’s examine the risks in greater detail.

Traffic Fines

If a highway patrolman pulls you over after witnessing you lane splitting, you could face a hefty traffic fine. Your traffic infraction will determine how much you have to pay. Some motorcycle riders even drive on the shoulder, resulting in a higher penalty.

Accident Claims

Lane splitting may reduce your chances of being rear-ended, but it does not eliminate the possibility of an accident altogether. You can still get into an accident if a car driver moves suddenly. If this does occur, the fact that you were splitting lanes becomes a problem.

Firstly, Texas is a comparative negligence state. This means that the state determines the fault of everyone in the accident. Lane splitting may be seen as an unsafe driving practice and put you above 50% fault. This will negate any claim that you try to make in the accident. Secondly, even if your fault percentage is below 50%, lane splitting may decrease any compensation you receive. Partaking in lane splitting puts you at risk of implicating yourself.

Motorcycle riders and their lawyers must find evidence that the driver shares some of the fault. They could have been texting, not signaling that they were changing lanes, or simply distracted. Whatever the reason, you have to prove this before trying to make a claim.

This is one of the main reasons why you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to help if you have been in an accident. Motorcycle riders often suffer severe injuries even if they are in slow-moving traffic. It is a consequence of riding a motorcycle and being less protected than a person in a car. They also fall into a driver’s blind spot, which is why accidents can occur easily. 

The team at Angel Reyes & Associates & Associates has decades of experience in Texas road law, including motorcycle accidents. Our injury lawyers in Fort Worth, TX understand the nuance and intricacies of these complex cases, as well as the rights of motorcyclists on the road. We will always fight for victims to receive the full compensation they deserve. 


What states in the US allow lane splitting?

You may wonder: is lane filtering illegal in Texas? The answer is yes. Lane splitting is only permitted in the state of California. Several other states have specific concessions where lane splitting or lane filtering is legal. For example, lane splitting in Hawaii is illegal because of narrow roads, but motorcycle riders can pass on the shoulder lane if traffic is at a standstill. Likewise, in Utah, the state allows lane filtering but not lane splitting. There are also several states, like Texas, where there are bills submitted regarding lane-splitting laws that are awaiting consideration.

Is lane splitting really safer?

The answer to this question comes largely from a study by UC Berkeley in 2015. The study states that splitting lanes resulted in fewer accidents involving motorcycle riders. This is because the motorcycle is not left vulnerable to being rear-ended by cars that do not stop in time when traffic slows down or comes to a halt. However, motorcycles can still get into accidents when lane splitting, resulting in injuries even if the motorcycle travels at low speeds.

Can I make an insurance claim if a car changes lanes in front of me, causing an accident?

Well, that depends on the details of the accident. When lane splitting, motorcycles end up in a car’s blind spot. This is why lane splitting is dangerous and illegal in Texas. However, if you can prove that the driver shares some fault in the accident, you may be able to get some compensation. If you cannot prove that the car driver has a fault in the accident, then you cannot claim as you will be seen as the main reason for the collision.

Key Findings on Lane Splitting in Texas

So, in summary, can motorcycles split lanes in Texas? No, they can’t. It’s hard to believe that lane splitting in Texas is illegal when motorcycle riders always do it. Regardless of its commonality, lane splitting is unsafe and illegal — and lane splitting without knowing the implications can be dangerous. Even when traveling at low speeds, motorcycle accidents can result in severe injuries. This is why it is best that you refrain from lane splitting and secure the services of one of our motorcycle accident lawyers with the experience to help you get the compensation you deserve. Angel Reyes & Associates has more than 30 years of experience dealing with motorcycle accident cases of varying severity — from simple knocks to the most devastating wrecks. Our team of experienced, trusted lawyers know Texas road rules and legislation inside out and are able to secure the best outcomes for our clients. Get in touch with us today for more information and a free, no-obligation case assessment.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need an experienced car accident lawyer specialist to protect your rights against insurance companies dedicated to minimizing your claim and compensation!

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